Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Common Fallacious Argument


     I came across an Ad Hominem (Argument To The Man) recently when studying common fallacies in arguments. The Ad Hominem argument is attacking the person rather than the person's argument itself. The argument was in response to a woman advocating vegetarianism. The man speaking to her was against vegetarianism and made an attack upon the vegetarian's insecurity, rather than actually retorting to her argument. The fallacious arguer  asked, "How can you argue for vegetarianism when you wear leather shoes ?" and this statement has nothing to do with how vegetarianism can be arguably good for one's body or the environment. Regardless if this vegetarian woman wore leather shoes that does not mean that she is not supporting vegetarianism. Therefore, the one against vegetarianism uses an Ad Hominem argument with the bit about leather shoes because he is attacking the vegetarian's character, honesty, and prying upon an insecurity.

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